Last Friday, 16th of October, OIDEL participated in a seminar organized by the Fondazione Sussidarietà and CDO Opere Educativa. The aim of the event was to show the first results of a draft document “Public funding for parental choice of independent schools in Europe” that OIDEL together with ECNAIS and the professor of Politecnico de Milano Tommasso Agasisiti are drafting.
This event has been introduced by the presidents of the two organizations in charge of the organization of this event: Massimiliano Tonarini, Presidente of CDO Opere Educative and Giorgio Vittadini, Presidente of the Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà.
After the presentation there were three presentation presenting briefly the situation of public funding for parental choice of independent schools in Europe. The speakers were Tommaso Agasisti of professor of the Politecnico di Milano, Rodrigo Melo of secretary general of ECNAIS and Ignasi Grau director of OIDEL. The three presentation were useful to observe the situation of public funding in Europe, which even though it is the region with more public support for non-governmental schools, the lack of funding is still the main reason why parents cannot choose the school they want for their children.
After that, there were two quick commentaries of these presentations by the sociologist Luisa Ribolzi and by the vice-president of OIDEL and former Dean of the Faculty of Education of Boston University Charles Glenn. Charles Glenn recalled that the current context requires big reforms in which both parents and non-governmental schools should become main actors.
The event finished with the thought on the future of education in Italy by three politicians of some of the main forces: Mariastella Gelmini of Forza Italia, Simona Malpezzi of Partito Democratico and Gabriele Toccafondi of Italia Viva.