The “Defending Freedom Conference” took place in Tallinn (Estonia) from the 21st to the 24th of September.
Author Archives: Communication
OIDEL publishes the 6th edition of the “Selective Bibliography on the Right to Education and Education Policy”
After nine months of work, we are pleased to present the publication of the sixth edition of the "Selective Bibliography on the Right to Education".
OIDEL participates in the 50th regular session of the Human Rights Council
The 50th session of the Human Rights Council took place in Geneva from June 13 to July 8.
OIDEL participates in the GA and Conference on Parents’ Well-being organized by EPA
Last June 11th, OIDEL was invited to participate in the General Assembly and Conference of the European Parents Association.
Symposium organized by UNESCO and OIDEL – “Reimagining our Futures Together: Educational Pluralism and the Social Contract”
OIDEL kicked off the month of June by resuming its face-to-face activities in Geneva.
OIDEL participates in the ECSWE Council Meeting
The last 7 of May, OIDEL attended the Council Meeting of the European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE).
Interview with Dr. Kishore Singh, Former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education
Dr Kishore Singh holds a Ph. D. in international law (1977) from the University of Paris 1 (Sorbonne). Previous to this, he obtained in 1969 his Master’s degree in political science with first division from the University of Delhi, and taught in Colleges in the University of Delhi. Dr Kishore...
EMIE Education Policy Seminar – “Pathways to School Success”
Opening the dialogue was Annalisa Canonni, Policy Officer of the European Commission. She recalled that the paradigm in which “Pathways to School Success” was written, was one of an inclusive and holistic vision of education. She welcomed EMIE’s contribution.
Dialogue with African Ministers – “Education during the pandemic”
On 27 April, together with OIEC and the University of Comillas, OIDEL organized a dialogue with African Ministers to hear their lessons learned regarding “Education during the pandemic”. It was the 3rd conversation on this subject after the first event with Ministers from Europe and the second event with Ministers from Latin America.
98th General Assembly of the CEEC – Vienna
On April 29th and 30th, OIDEL was invited to participate in the General Assembly of the European Committee for Catholic Education, an organisation that brings together all the national associations of Catholic education in Europe.