Presentation of the Freedom of Education Index in Brussels:
Last 9th November OIDEL made a presentation of the Freedom of Education Index 2016 (FEI 2016) in Brussels in an event organized by FAFCE (click here to know more: The event was conducted by FAFCE’s president Antoine Renard who stressed the important role that freedom of education has for the empowerment of families.
Then, Alfred Fernandez, OIDEL’s General Director talked about the importance to highlight the human rights approach for educational policies. First of all it is important to note that the first goal of Education is the development of the human person. The comprehensive understanding of the right to education leads to pluralistic systems that respect the cultural dimension of this right.
After Mr. Fernandez’s presentation, Ignasi Grau – OIDEL’s representative – shared with the audience the results of the FEI. The audience was particularly interested in the meaningful relationship between freedom of education and some democratic features such as government effectiveness, voice and accountability. There was an interesting debate with the Member of Parliament Andrew Lewer who highlighted the good experiences of the English educational system.
The day after the presentation OIDEL had a meeting with a member of the cabinet of the Commissioner of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. OIDEL shared its concerns in the field of education and the priority areas of the Commission were reminded: good management of public funding on education and social inclusion.
Ignasi Grau